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Anyone seen Annihilation? I'm a big sci-fi geek, and it's my favorite movie of the year. It has trippy body horror, empowered women, cool-looking creatures, intriguing themes about self-destruction and some of the most amazing sound effects I've ever heard. It's my type of film. I've been rewatching it on blu-ray and I can't recommend it enough. I'm in the minority who prefers it to Ex Machina.

TheDarkNolanite 6 June 8

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Everywhere I go to try to buy it on Blu-ray or DVD it's sold out. Guess that speaks well of it, but it's a bit frustrating for me. ?



I read the whole Southern Reach Trilogy. How does it stack up to the book?

I haven't read the trilogy, but I intend to.

@TheDarkNolanite they are th books that convinced me that literate science fiction is not dead.

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