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For JohnINFP (thanks for the video this morning) and everyone who needs a pick me up to get them through to the weekend. Bryan Adams-You Belong to Me (2015)

graceylou 8 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks Grace! I love the warm hugs. ♡ You made my day! How was the concert?

It was amazing!!! He did all of his well known songs and several from his newest album. The atmosphere was fantastic. No negativity or politics. Just happiness, joyous music, and a lot of love. He did this song as well and got everyone dancing (well, we were all dancing all night long). He made my night by singing Straight From the Heart, which is my favourite BA song. I have to go through my pics and videos yet since I got home so late and have to be up at 5 am to go to work today.

@graceylou What a wonderful experience! : )


Thank you. It got me moving.

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