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Does it only happen in Agnostics or is universal?

Yes, why men do not read the profile of the woman they want to chat with / e-mail?
Among other things, I clearly stated on my profile that I will delete all e/mails from gentlemen who are younger than certain age. Guess what? They ignore my words all the way and "younguies" keep flooding my mailbox with their messages.

Guys, I am not rich neither I am ready to croak.

Guys, ignoring what's in the profile is a sure way to get rejected.


Enjoy being online again!

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I get it now. You think atheist men are somehow less manly. Interesting research topic.

Do we have less/more testosterone,... I want to know.

JacarC Level 8 June 12, 2018

What I think about some men -Atheists or whatever- is that they are too stupid. Gee, you wanted to know.


You look younger than you claim. Is it not nice to be desirable?

JacarC Level 8 June 12, 2018

Nice is when a person respects the other person's profile.

@DUCHESSA At my age i take all compliments as wonderful.

Women are so hard to understand.


Doesn't sound like such a huge problem to have.

Besides the fact he is telling me he doesn't give a not a problem for me....unless the guy gets pissed off for not receiving an answer and insults me. Sure, the block button is great.


Everyone knows theres a minimum of 3 private messages before you move on to emails 🙂

gater Level 7 June 8, 2018

You missed my point.

@duchessa sorry


Amen, sister. Also, I'm watching spelling, punctuation and grammar. Men who don't bother to make a reasonable attempt at all three make me suspicious.

Deb57 Level 8 June 8, 2018

Well, bad grammar is a NO NO in my book.

It can also mean that someone is not communicating in their mother tongue. That's fine if they say they are from another country right from the start, but if they try to tell me they were born in Americanville, Indiana...

I wish we could add a very laughing emoji to your post.


Personally I think it's because they think they're so special you'll make an exception for them.

Well, they are learning how wrong they are.....LOL

Well, if we go only by the they do...the last two ones who sent me messages would have been referred to a plastic surgeon.....LOL...(no true)


it's constant .... I even stripped mine down, doesn't seem to matter to many. This happens IRL too. I've watched guys be shocked their hotter than hot GF is a total psycho bee-hatch after they're butt deep, because they chose her based on looks. LOL

Not that attraction isn't important. .. it IS, ,but dayum, no deal breakers until it's late in the game??? And ppl got mad at how biatchy my previous bios were with the list of "scram ifs". Fine, waste all our time, but don't be surprised when it was CLEARLY STATED IN THE INTRODUCTORY MANUAL! LMAO


They may like experienced more mature ladies..
Or it's possible that they think you are an actual Duchess??

You make me 🙂 ...See, it is not what they think but what I stated.


You're assuming they can read. ?


That's mean...

How so? I just thought it was sarcastic.

@LimeySteve I love your comment....

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