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Would you date a girl from the middle east?

MaryamH 4 June 9

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No, never trust those girls from Pennsylvania and New Jersey....they are trouble! 😉

Hahaha! Well typed!


I don't see why not. As long as my wife didn't mind.

Hahaha! Best reply!


Where a person is from is not a deal breaker for me.


My ex-husband is Moroccan. Lovey person. If anyone wouldn’t date someone from a different culture or race, they literally aren’t worth speaking too. Personally I think Middle Eastern men are the most attractive to me! As long as he wasn’t religious in a very literal way, and didn’t push religion on me, I don’t care.

Livia Level 6 June 11, 2018

Only if she would date a guy from the midwest.


Yes. I feel that anyone that has racial/cultural preferences is really limiting their scope with which they can find someone that is compatible. It’s their choice and their preference obviously. I just think it limits their options.


Not a woman, but I was once engaged to a really nice man from Iran. Not all mid-eastern people are extremist.


Yes of course


This is a very thought-provoking question. Born and raised in the Middle East? Still living in the Middle East? Still living in the family or clan? Or "emancipated?" Traditional? Westernized? Speaks English? University educated? How old? Does she dress traditionally? Traditionally cultured? So many traits to consider! Could she even talk/communicate with me (without raising the wrath of the males/females of her family)? Widow? Never married? Virgin? Never had a child? Approved by family? Approved by clan? Alive?

Interestingly, these are questions I would ask even if the woman was not a Middle Easterner!

@fathercat Whether archaic or patriarchal is beside the point - I have a right to know what my potential partner's (if that is the reason for this potential dating) sexual status and experience is! You may disagree - but in this particular speculative situation - I'm the decision maker! Please troll elsewhere!

@fathercat Of course - in this example - we would both be decision makers - each to his/her personal interests. This is what "consensual" is all about. Or have you forgotten that there is such an operational term?


Sure, but long distance relationships are difficult.


So long as she was not religious and we had stuff in common and she was intelligent, absolutely.


Yes X 1,000!


Yup !


Probably not.
Simply because our cultures would clash eventually.


Is she atheist? Is she interested in someone 63 then yes


Yes I would.


Damn tooting, I'm not moving there though.


Why not? Especially if she has abandoned the religion of her family.


I'd have no problem at all doing that.


Yup, no doubt, exotic is hot.


Of course. Why not? Location of origin has nothing to do with whether or not they love.

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