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Someone once schooled me in the notion that atheism is not a thing in it's self. His explanation was a bit confusing but it went something like this.

The lack of a belief in something is not something in its self.

is that kind of right?

Nardi 7 June 9

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I was not religious long before I ever heard the terms theist, atheist or agnostic. I only allow myself to have the atheist label to distinguish myself from those that would allow the influence of in politics, education and science. If not for that I would not care what anyone believes or claims for themselves. It’s a way of separating myself from the ignorant and insidious damage caused by claiming to know what you can’t possibly while insisting that others tow the line with you. It allows us to determine who may be willing to fight these things with us or at the very least who might be fun to have a beer with.


The way I put it is that atheism is definitional, not organizational or ideological.

You're an atheist, if you lack belief in even one deity.

Considered atheism is merely a side effect of skepticism and critical thinking. It's probably confusing to label it as an "ism" but the "ism" here isn't a group identity (like, say, "Mormonism" ) but rather a state of being (like, say, "hypothyroidism" ).



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Yes, much like not playing golf is not a sport. Bald is not a hair color. Not collecting stamps does not make me an unphilatelist.

Also, being atheist is the "default" status of everyone. We are all born with no knowledge of religion or gods. Only when we are indoctrinated into a religion do we become theists.

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