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My family had a yard sale today, and afterwards, I was sitting around with a couple aunts, an uncle, and my mom. Somehow the subject of religion came up. My whole family is Catholic. Both my aunts and uncles had several major gripes with their particular parish/pastor, and the church in general. It took everything I had to bite my tongue, but had to do so out of respect for my mother. She's wound pretty tight to begin with and I really didn't want to listen to it after they left.
The one question I was dying to ask all of them though. You follow your particular belief system I assume for a sense of fufillment and happiness. If you're getting none of this, why do you comtinue to follow or attend?!?!?

msar0414 6 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Very, very good question.

It just needs an enigmatic humanist pastor to move into town.


Fear. The religion is based on fear of hell.


Religion does have its ways of locking people into being "part of the group". You wouldn't want to be left out when all these other people made it to heaven, haha.

Denker Level 7 June 10, 2018
0 they have something to complain about (?)


They are forced to by their own beliefs

gater Level 7 June 9, 2018
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