I once sought the god everyone chases. Eventually one does realize there is no divine answer and it is what it is is. Life is.. Make it count.
No one really wants to be different, everybody mostly wants to blend in with the rest, religion included. But early on I started to reject religion while at the same time studying it. I read the bible cover to cover which went a long way towards confirming the whole things was bull shite of the first order. Also hard not to notice the people that talked about it the most were the best hypocrites out there and that all the major religions were similar to a large extent. So I just said NO!
Making it count though, that's not so easy. You can live for your experience, your memories, but thats only this life, is that making it count in a wider context? Children are an answer for some, perpetuating the genes, but others say the world has more than enough people. is senseless accumulation of materialist wealth, you can't take it with you when you die. The only answer I have found is contributing to our common mental heritage, through writing, the internet, books and so on.
I'm ashamed to say that I chased that nonsense for way too many years.
I feel pretty sheepish about that myself, but you don't know what you don't know, when you don't know it Forgive yourself. I regard that as Not My Proudest Moment, but more of a disappointment than a regret.
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