Do you refuse to attend religious ceremonies of family and/or friends? Do you go (and therefore support) christenings, baptisms, communions, bat/bar mitzvahs, Quncieras, marriages, etc.?
Of course I do. My point of view has nothing to do with their joy or sadness. The idea is to celebrate with or support the grieving. Its selfish to do otherwise.
Yes, this!
I would definitely attend a religious family function to support my family. It does no harm to me in doing so.
And this too!!
Quinciera is religious?
It depends on how important that person is to me. Marriages, funerals yes always. Everything else depends but probably not.
In my opinion, it also appears arrogance exists on both sides.
Go to weddings, funerals and debating on my religious cousin's daughter's Bat Mitzvah next year. I'm not driving out of town these days.
I have attended religious ceremonies, primarily weddings and funerals. The last one was my mother's funeral at the catholic church that I used to attend. Next month I will be attending a wedding for my wife's niece, which will be at a church. Some 25 years ago I stood in as "godfather" for my nephew at his baptism. I wasn't even the actual godfather. That was my sister's good friend who was too ill to attend and so I stood in for him. I put my own feelings aside to be there for family and friends. I don't have to participate, I don't have to go to confession or communion or sing any hymns. I do have to hold my tongue sometimes, though.
I'm seldom invited or expected to attend religious events anymore, as the trend is for non-religious events, but for those few I have, it's a case by case decision. I have skipped the religious portion of baptisms and weddings and gone just to the post church event celebration instead.
For funerals, I usually do attend and am respectful when the funeral reflects the loved ones true religion, but get silently angry when it's a religious funeral for someone who I knew was not religious. As was the case for my parents funerals... made me angry enough to start my own funeral celebrant and wedding officiant service, as a more inclusive option.
I do not attend religious ceremonies unless you are referring to a funeral service then, yes. I would and have attended.
I've gone to funerals, lately, one consequence of getting older. I will also go to weddings, tho if religious will try to limit myself to just the reception. I avoid all other religious ceremonies if at all possible, Tho I may visit the family, if I'm close, after the ceremony. All the people that would feel close enough to invite me in the first place know I'm an atheist & know I won't support the "rite", tho I support them as friends. I try to look at most "laymen" as potential atheists so don't figure being confrontational just for the sake of confrontation advances 'the cause'. I have an "Atheist Atom" tattoo on my right forearm & wear atheist or science themed t-shirts often (will be showing my collection soon!), so have never hidden my position, but I am also just a human trying to make his way in this screwed up world, I won't fault those that try to find solace, as flimsy as I may think that is!
"(And therefore support)" ??? You need to let go that bitterness and resentment. It will destroy you not them. ?
I don’t support the events, I support my friends and family. To word it in a way that assumes my attendance supports the religion or its rituals is ridiculous.