4 9

France is amazing! Art, castles, wine ? and wonderful food! So grateful to be here with my son, daughter in law and granddaughter!

ArtsyChick 5 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks like you're having fun. When I was still married to my airline pilot husband, and we could fly anywhere, I avoided all cold, crowded countries and invariably headed west and south in the US, and to the tropics for overseas trips.

My main goal was to photograph birds and wildlife, and there are few of those in an urban country.

We went camel trekking in the Australian Outback, camping in Tasmania, hiking in the Rocky Mountains, etc.


Enjoy! I’ve been to Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Marseille & Nîmes. Beautiful country!


It's on my bucket list. All I need is a travel companion (I'm talking to you Agnostic singles) ?


Living the dream..glad you are having fun. ?

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