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Atheism is expanding faster than ever.

My girlfriend (she lives in Buenos Aires) sent me the sing below; according to her mail, the number of Atheists in my other country is increasing fast...specially after Jorge M. Bergoglio was elected Pope. My girlfriend said signs advertising Atheism are popping up everywhere and -what's even better- people are not removing them.

DUCHESSA 8 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish we could post those signs here in the USA and nothing would happen to them. I think they would be quite helpful.

I am pretty sure some of the signs have been removed....fortunately only a small percentage.


Good to know.

My other country never was a very religious one to begin


I've said it before..and I'll say it again .. We are Legion.

People are waking up and smelling the coffee!


I "believe" electing Bergoglio as Pope had the opposite impact on my other country....FORTUNATELY.

@DUCHESSA blew up in their face though.

@Hitchens As I said, my other country never was one known for its religiosity; while mostly Catholic they won't go to church on a sunny Sunday morning....or afternoon....or any other day of the year 🙂

@DUCHESSA I went behind the Church on a sunny day..??

@Hitchens 6And you bumped into the priest...doing things. 🙂

@DUCHESSA. No I bumped into Deirdre Malloy who showed me what my special purpose was for...naughty girl ..that Deirdre...convent girl too.

@Hitchens I looooooooooove it..........🙂

@DUCHESSA. Sometimes you need to be a bad boy, don't pretent that your not impressed! ???

@Hitchens Totally impressed

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