How often does religion disrupt otherwise fruitful relationships for other agnostics?
A friend I've been interested in for years and I recently discussed the possibility of a relationship. As soon as she learned I didnt believe in a god she put a nail in the idea of us being together. Ot was disappointing for certain.
Well as an atheist all the gods will, god planned this for me etc: gets me pissed then they say we have free will ok everything planned out for us but we have free will to do what we want does that make any sense to thinkers here?
Not often. It's generally when someone responds to my revealing my complete lack of belief by saying they are sad for me. Then there's a problem. At that point I'd like to go buy them an ounce of intelligence.
don't you mean a ton of intelligence LOL
I was an atheist, but now I'm spiritual. Now that that is out of the way, when I was, I lost the love of my life over it. My former roomate (who is an athiest) had disclosed to another I was. He mentioned it to a friend (which I specifically told him not to bring it up). She was a devout Catholic, and I wish I could have told her on my own time, when the time was right. Her beauty wasn't only external, but was the biggest caring, sweetheart I've ever met. She never directly told me that that was what it was about, but I'm 99% sure. Religon in itself can mess up a relationship in many ways. My mother is devout, and was married to two Muslims previous to my father. My sister was engagued to a Muslim, and she converted to Islam. My mom wouldn't say what was going on, but said she was going to cut her out of the will. My dad was the one that told me. I asked why the wedding was called off, my sister, and mom said nothing. Different religions don't usually mix in a relationship. One of the reasons why I signed up here is to meet women, and not be shocked by my lack of religion.
spirituality is within in my book it includes humanity, morals and soul. Soul is not only for religions. love can be soul!
@benhmiller Everybody knows the difference between right and wrong. Unless something is wrong in their head, or in their heart. Steven Weinberg once said something like "In a world with or with out religion, you would have evil people doing evil things, and good people doing good things. But, for a good person to do evil things, that takes religion".
I have a friend or two that are religiously inclined and although they are decent people in general, it is still always on the back of my mind that they believe in the myth. I have a hard time separating the two. sadly.
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I was really excited. I met a guy that actually interested me, and was super ready to hit him up but them I looked at his profile and it had bible quotes. Sigh