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So..its the start of another week cheer up and let's be careful out there..

Hitchens 8 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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"Let's be careful out there" .... Hill street blues

Yep the late Steven Bocho..a true gentleman.

@Hitchens I would say that show started a trend on running multiple stories within an episode, that lead to a lot of characters were almost all were equally important. Good times....

@IamNobody. 100% I never thought about it from that angle, but yes its true, it was so seminal and gritty, and the theme tune, wow, has to be one of the best, so haunting and recognizable too. Actually you've just given me a great idea for a post! Iamnobody you are somebody!

@Hitchens always glad to help !! That's the real beauty of this place, we all have equal opportunity to learn something from someone else. Sometimes we give, sometimes we take. Its all good !!!

@Hitchens and you're absolutely correct on the theme song, such a mellow sad and memorable tune at the same time.... Yup, good times


In the words of Scooby-doo... ruh-roh!!


Oh, oh!

Betty Level 8 June 11, 2018

When our drunk pilot was flying the DC-3 commuter plane between Cap Haitian and Port-au-Prince, he'd fly between mountain peaks with spaces so narrow I could look out my window and see cows grazing ABOVE us.

That sounds terrifying..I was in the air on Sept 12 2011 day after the Trade Towers came down.
Our pilot on a Dc-10 from Paris to Dublin was a well meaning Arab gentleman..he was desperately polite and friendly over the intercom..he knew we were all on edge...

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