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Spirituality is not just for religions. It includes morals and humanity, caring for other humans or even animals. Soul is how you feel it includes love nothing to do with religions!

benhmiller 7 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Marine Level 8 June 11, 2018


Of course saying that on this forum could be like chum to shark trolls. Many here are rabid anti-anything-they-can't-physically-touch folk, who attack anyone who mentions spiritually.

I just block them. I have blocked so many there might not be any left for me to see!


A soul is commonly defined as an ethereal aspect of self. A super natural component of us that retains our consciousness after we die. It is something that is inherent in religion and exclusive to it. Spirituality is religious.

Katrik Level 7 June 11, 2018

Only for fundamentalists.

sounds like religious people can not see or think further then you want too

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