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This is a shout out to the people on this site who have been helping me through my darkest times. You have done more for my faith in humanity than you will ever know.

CreativelyMe 7 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Absolutely here for you when you need a sounding board. And that goes for everyone. Anyone. I would not turn away anyone who needs help or just needs someone to talk to.

Thank you. I appreciate that very much.


Hello M, good to see you out and about again 🙂

Thank you!



Awww! Thank you Pixiedust! <3


May the force be with you. I have not been on much so way behind in posts
Message anytime

Thank you. I appreciate your support very much!

@CreativelyMe I have found this such a supportive and sane community with just enough crazy to be fun


It's the best kind of faith to have.

Petter Level 9 June 12, 2018

It sure is.

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