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What is your favorite foreign language film? It's hard for me to chose, I love so many, but I think it would be Cinema Paradiso, a great Italian movie about how important movies are to us.

Ray13 8 June 12

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I have two favorites: Rules of the Game, Jean Renoir's sublime and surprising comedy of bad manners; and the sexy, corrosive La Dolce Vita, which rightly made "Felliniesque" part of our cultural lexicon.


Either Delicatessen or Oldboy


Cinema Paradiso is one of my favorites. I'd also include Life is Beautiful, Rashomon, and Babette's Feast.


My favorite foreign film is a mid-sixties French love story, "A Man And A Woman"... I imagine I would still find it a very romantic movie (film). As I recall, it was mostly subtitles but switched to English with French accents... also, switched from color to black and white.
There was a sequel, maybe 5 years later, didn't think was quite as good.

Tomas Level 7 June 12, 2018

Dersa Usala. Kurosawa

t1nick Level 8 June 12, 2018

There's a trilogy of French films called Blue, Red, and White. I forget the order you are supposed to watch them. Each very different in style and plot, but ultimately all three are interconnected.


La Vita e Bella


Fantastic Planet.

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