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Here in the UK (at least) there is now another pub chain that has to remove all it's Saudi Arabia flags from their premises. Some people are saying we are being made to go along with blasphemy laws, I'm not quite sure about that but I do hope there is a big response here.

For certain I totally hate this whole idea. I'm just working out how (if at all) to respond. In any case, I am still in the process of launching 'Southport Atheists'. I will get there! I'm not sure about promoting this in public here so if anyone should want to know more then message me, thanks.

Sandster 7 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Saudi arabia is funding the teaching of hate and invasion in the mosques it owns in the UK.

Islam is evil.

JacarC Level 8 June 13, 2018

O h thats so 1970s! Its the Russians now. Just like the USA and the Chinese.

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