I have just joined this group. As as a Post-Modern Seminary student, I must say that the general level of insight of this group is incredible. Also impressive is the general bible knowledge. I find it interesting that people who display such a high level of "spiritual enlightenment", reject what they are so good at. Many of your posts sound much like Modern Mysticism at its highest level. Inancient times you may have all been venerated by a minority, and then stoned by the majority, naturally.
@UnityBrad what’s Modern Mysticism?
The term Mysticism was a form of the word Mystery. This was accurate because so much was still mysterious to it's proponents. Today of course much more about the human mind and the nature of the rest of the material universe is understood. Modern Mysticism incorporates modern scientific knowledge to traditional Mysticism.
@UnityBrad Thanks for the explanation. So... how would you describe, in modern scientific terms, the goal, or purpose, of mysticism?
@skado To try to understand, that which may not be readily obvious. It's like C.G. Jung said, we see through a glass darkly. Plato's cave allegory is also relevant to the purpose of mysticism. To try to see what lies beyond our 3 dimensional awareness. Finally, on a more practical note. Humankind, through the process of evolution, has developed reactions to outside stimuli based on primal feelings which may or may not serve our modern day best interest. Modern Mysticism, through the use of meditation and other techniques, strives to use our modern pre frontal cortex (higher thought) to see clearly which primal feelings still serve us positively and which do not.
I've studied the bible and Christianity for 30 years and do not recall the phrase "Post-Modern Seminary" I honestly don't know what that means. I will look it up as soon as I post this but I would like to know your understanding of the term so I know what (you) means by it. And yes I would be stoned because I can't believe in the unbelievable.
Well, Churches that emphasize, material prosperity, but still use basically Traditional interpretations like Joel Osteen would be considered Modern Churches. Post Modern Churches take a more holistic view of prosperity and interpret the Bible allegorically. PM churches are also pantheistic or pan-an-theistic. Jesus is considered a "way shower" and not the only begotten son of God. The Christ Spirit is considered God's begotten.
We all being in contact with the bible in more or less degree and each of us may have a different opinion, but you stick around... you will see how interesting we can be. Welcome.
We are freethinkers here. The past fictional history is not absolute.
I'm having trouble parsing your post. Can you define Modern Mysticism and give some examples of who is rejecting what? And seeing as you are a seminary student, can you answer Jim Morrison's question, "Can you petition the Lord with prayer?" And also what exactly is a post-modern seminary? Is that a Sarah Silverman thing?
True Modern Mysticism rejects magic or anything else that runs counter to the basic Laws of the Universe or modern scientific understandings. Many people do consider themselves mystics because they believe in magic rocks, crystals, amulets, etc. Or they worship nature or things like the "Divine Feminine" (whatever that is) That's actually not mystic its just silly. Many prefer the term "New Thought". It isn't actually new though.
@UnityBrad Sorry, Brad... I still just have no idea of what you are saying. Can you at least say what you wish to accomplish by means of your post? Do you want to change someone's mind about something?
The impressive level of bible knowledge, I suspect, is why many on here are atheist.
I have absolutely no idea what you mean by 'spiritual enlightenment'.' If you can define what it is, I can probably tell you why I reject it.
If you can't define it, that is probably the reason why I reject it.
We're athiests because we dug deeper than we were supposed to. damn it Martin Luther why did you have to make a book that the general population can read...... It was better when it was in latin- 16th century priest.
I've actually introduced that same argument in my classes, that most people shouldn't read the Bible. Humanity would have been better off overall listening to it in Latin and just meditating.
I had the same reaction when I joined this website not too long ago. I am glad that we do not live in those times because that is how any free thinker would be treated.