I just read that in the USA, Water became the most consumed bottled product in 2017. Here is Oz I am pretty certain it is still the various offerings of Coke. Not sure which I find most disturbing.
Diet Coke used to "ring my bell" especially when it was ice cold. However, either my taster has changed or they altered the formula (a relative says they recently changed sweeteners), along with the label, because it no longer tastes like it did. But, I am not about to switch to bottled water.
Something that intrigues me about water- it has been floating about the planet for possibly billions of years, yet as soon as you stick it in a bottle, it needs a use-by date- wtf?
How much plastic- and chemical-leaching are you willing to tolerate in your bottled water? I suspect testing the water in bottles of varying ages reveals the basis for the date.
Don't get the bottled water deal. I filter mine and keep it in the refrigerator. I have bottles in the fridge that I've re-purposed if I feel the need to take water out of the house.
Bottled water, to me, is all about marketing. That somehow water in a bottle is healthier, better, smarter, whatever. Some have names on the bottles that give the impression that the water is from someplace special, like a spring or a mountain stream. Those things mean the water came from the ground, like all water does.
Picked up a bottle of water one day and read the label. It said "Ft. Worth municipal water supply". That's "Ft. Worth" as in "Ft Worth Texas". Tap water from Ft. Worth, which is about 90 miles from my house. Why would I buy tap water when I pay for water to be run to my house and I pay by the month? Don't like the taste? Use a filter. Either on the faucet of by using a filtered pitcher. Put it in your own bottle if you must. Why pay more?
i wasn't into soft drinks ever, & the only times i find it hard to get around buying endless supplies of bottled water is when traveling india e.g. but even in the south of india taps with free filtered water pop up meanwhile in some parts, yet slowly.