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I understand that lots of eucalyptus trees have been planted in California. As an Australian I demand an apology and massive compensation for this outrageous act of cultural appropriation.

Hellbent 7 June 13

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Well... ok!



They say imitation is a form of flattery. Californians saw a good thing and took it.

Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree and were popular as wind breaks and shade trees over 150 years ago by the settlers. Today, the eucalyptus are disparaged for being non-native. So, you can have them back. Come get them. I'll have an ice cold Fosters waiting for ya. 🙂

@Hellbent : Really! I'm saddened to hear that. I think we can get Fosters here in California. That's strange.


Me too.


There are some live peacock spiders in certain facilities in CA...just sayin'


We had eucalyptus trees where I grew up near San Francisco. Not the easiest trees to climb as the branches were far apart and the bark offered little to hang on to. When the S.F. zoo acquired some koalas, we had a food source for them. We'll gladly give you Ken Ham back if you let us keep the trees and koalas.


If you blokes weren't such great allies....
I vote for "carpet bombing compensation"

If trump keeps opening his pie hole, the Aussies won't be such great allies anymore.


Send us all of the guns you no longer allow down there.
I'm sure they'll sell like hotcakes up here.

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