If you could have/ own/ possess any piece of art, what would it be?
Some of the pieces I made. They were humble and silly, but they were a part of me.
Which parts of you did you sculpt ? Hope my thoughts are accurate ?
Michelangelo 's "David"!! Rrrrruffff! Come to mama. Yes, it's true, I'm old but I'm not dead.
Anything by Van Gogh. I love his work and the vibrancy of his brushstrokes
When visiting Prag, I found a gorgeous painting in a tucked-away gallery... just a boat on a canal with light reflecting on the water and twinkling through leaves. It just felt so alive to me. There's nothing famous that really calls to me like that.
That's easy for me, The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh
I'd say the same thing. I saw it up close at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC and it's just glorious.
@bleurowz wow! I bet it is!
Settle? It's beautiful.
Any Dali painting or sculpture
I recently visited a collection of his works in Monterey, California. Blew me away!
Most people when they think of Art they think of Paintings or Sculpture. So I am going with that premise even though Opera is the Highest form of Art....
I prefer the impressionist period of Art.... so maybe a Monet or Degas even Goya. However being an Artistic Snob.... I would have to say that the Puccini Opera La Boheme.... is my favorite work of Art.
My gift to you
When I asked the question, I really meant any form of art. So you got the right answer!
Thank you!!! Good gift!?
Would Dogs Playing Poker be too gauche? Seriously though, I couldn't decide on just one.
Monet. Any of the painting done in his gardens, particularly the water lilies. Or Salvador Dali's more salacious works. Or Van Gogh's Iris. Or one of Picasso's Doves.
Tutankhamun's death mask. I cried the first time I saw it ''in person," simply because it's absolutely perfect!
I am a gear head so my art would be like a 1959 Cadillac or something like that...lol
So many options!
Assuming I can't claim Lea Thompson or Nana Visitor ( )..and that my favorite cave painting would prove too much of engineering feat to get home, probably one of the following:
"Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp or "Fallen Angels (Les Anges Déchus)" by François B.-M.-E. Cibot
Aside of the Mona Lisa...I would consider the Sistene Chapel!
Giuseppe Sanmartino's "Veiled Christ"
Of course not for it's subject material, it is simply amazing. You can get right up close to it, and it is simply stunning.
Once saw a movie in which a home could read a person's mood and change the appearance of the walls to suit. That would be cool!
Is there any irony that it is a religious figure? I love it too but didn't want to admit it. Lol
@BrightLeigh No
None. I am a minimalist.
Is emptiness (silence, an empty wall) art?
@BrightLeigh It is to me. I can imagine it.