I have free Silver Sneakers program as part of my medicare supplement insurance coverage. It gets me into nearly every gym in the country. I just show my card.
Worked for me last night! Thank you, Ghirardelli!
I've had to get creative about how I exercise since I hate it so so much. But I get a lot of exercise jumping to conclusions. Or Making mountains out of molehills. Or pushing my luck. Some days I climb the walls, and occasionally I'll go on a fishing trip: fishing for compliments. I throw my weight around a lot (and that's become a bigger deal). And finally, I wrap it all up at the end of the day.
Oh ow I hate to do exercise that doesn't produce actual work being accomplished. A girlfriend once talked me into going to her gym which she religiously attended 5 times a week. An hour of that was enough for me and when the girl at the desk asked me if I would like to sign up for for the 3 month special for $299 I told her that I get paid $200/hr to do the same sort of thing on the job, thanks but no thanks.
Now I am older and retired I am actually considering joining a gym but still can't pull the trigger.
@McVinegar On it but will soon finish the new house, then I will have to find something else to do - the cottage needs a new wood stove and a new roof and the water lines replaced so maybe that. Or maybe I'll do one last hotel? Something will come up, it always does.