Devils Advocate now - Why would atheists and agnostics be the slightest bit concerned about the religious beliefs of others - unless they were on a conversion mission Same deal with politics.
There are some interesting points about Chrisitianity but does anyone have any comment on any non-Christian systems of beliefs
Hyperthetically, if we stripped the political and pecuniary aspects away from belief systems so that just the bones of their belief remained (bearing in mind that Christianity and Islam are not the only religions in the world) including Wiccan, Sufism, Quakers etc. are we still concerned about their beliefs
I don't try to convert anyone to any of my thoughts.
Well, there's many reasons to be concerned about the religious beliefs of others - some don't want others to suffer like they themselves did at the hands of religions/religious institutions, others don't like aspects of specific religions, others are just tired of all the conflicts which use religion as a pretext (because, let's be clear, religion is not a reason for war, it's just a way to hide your other, less justifiable reasons)...
Because they are rarely kept quiet and private. If anything, believers strongly wish to impose their beliefs on others.
When our politicians ignore the separation of church and state and seek to rule by their ideas of "traditions" or "what God intended" then I give a damn about the religious beliefs of others.
When religious beliefs deny medical treatments for ill children in favor of prayer, then I give a damn about the religious beliefs of others.
I don't give a damn about anyone's religious beliefs until those beliefs begin to negatively affect other humans or animals. For example, some believers in the current administration seem to think it's ok to destroy the planet because god will fix it (or perhaps that's just how they cover for their greed.) Others seem to think a woman (or girl) should be forced to give birth to a baby that is the result of rape, with some even thinking that rape isn't so bad or that the rapist should have parental rights. And most recently, the bloody Attorney General cherry-picked a verse from the bible as justification for stealing kids from immigrants and incarcerating them in camps. So yeah, they can take their religious beliefs and shove them up their ass.