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Are Trump supporters found among us heathens or is that foolishness strictly a believer phenomenon? I'm hoping that critical thinking might be akin to an inoculation to the stupidity. I'm aware that some of you were voting for change which is totally valid. I'm talking strictly about the people that are still ardent believers in the POTUS.
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JazznBlues 8 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Sadly, my initial belief that people here have to be more intelligent has proven false. Some are mad at god or had a bad religious experience...fact based knowledge is inconsistent with our current regime

lerlo Level 8 June 24, 2018

I support no corrupt politicians. No matter if they are the crips or the bloods, they are all owned by someone higher.

I do have some conservative views though.


My dream is that those who voted for change realize it was not what they were hoping for.

Marine Level 8 June 21, 2018

(Sarcasm) Oh yeah, Right wing nutjobs LOVE atheists, lol! They just say they are trying to have "wars on christmas" and have no souls or don't deserve rights and should be deported is all, lol. When i think of free thinking, i think of the supporters of that asshole mouthed traitor that puts kids into cages.


There are some here but the good news is if you find one and block he/she you get a 10 point bonus! 😛


Sadly, there are a few mouth breathing trumpologists here.

There are plenty, its hilarious


I am Canadian, thanks to the orange turd's attack on our prime minister, I now find my socialist self firmly behind dumb ass selfie boy Justin. Hurry up an impeach or kill him before he destroys the world.

Doing our best! Send tots & pears!


I could say other. Mostly because of the last 4 politicians in office have f.. the pooch so hard that no matter who is in office they are going to catch the negative aspects. If Trump could shut his arrogance of for a while and display a better character he might be a tad more popular. After all, to become a billionaire took more than luck. He has this wall in his head, I can see where he is coming from on a negative and positive point of view. It will in short-term generate construction jobs, in the long run, it is just an expensive piece of art because the bad element will still come in.

azzow2 Level 9 June 16, 2018

Wanting to have innocent teens tried as adults and then given the death penalty, because they are minorities being uppity is not arrogance. He is a racist piece of shit, unfit for office, beyond being a blow addled nut. I didnt even get into the sex stuff or need to, lol.

@rafferty So if he would have given guns to Syrian farmers to protect themselves that later became the tala ban you would be ok with that? If he would have inadvertently created a terror network through the entire world you would be ok with that?

@azzow2 the taliban were given. "Guns" by Ronald Reagan, back when they were mujahadeen "freedom fighters", and um, not in syria. In Afghanistan. Syria has like 16 or 18 different factions going on, some fighting with ww2 German weapons. Russia has been selling Syria helicopters and jets, since they were invented. Not sure why you think an illiterate game show host can handle that, or what your poor grasp of facts or "what if?" or "are you ok with that?" has to do with it. Nope, not ok with any of it, and like Don gives a shit about syrian farmers. Like Syrian farmers are going to be allowed to move to your town, lol.

@rafferty Think you missed my point and Did not read my post clearly. The gun nonsense has been going on a long time. I can remember being like 15 or 16 and Carter wanted to trade arms for hostages in Iran. Not old enough to remember much about Ford except that he was grate at getting off aeroplanes by calling down the ladder and his wife was very good with the clinic idea. The guns Ronald Reagan would have supplied would not have lasted very long in the desert environment. Reagan was at least smart enough to put nafta under the pile to be signed Bush senior was smart got us in did the job got us out. Clinton and Bush Jr both went to the same school of dumb in 2 different class rooms.. Sleep monster is coming will debate more tomorrow just did a ton of driving.

@azzow2 this was like an episode of drunk history.

Carter had a botched rescue mission under his belt. Ford pardoned that killer/criminal/madman Nixon, Reagan set up arms for hostages coming in the door. The rest meh. The DoD installed Bush. To keep working.

Idk what to say about the sesert environment stuff. They worked fine. And still do

@rafferty Clinton was trying to ignore Serbia while having one of the worst sex scandals in whit house history, prematurely selling the American workforce away with NAFTA. Bush jr. His entire time in office was WTF he just could not accomplish his daddies standards. We could go on and. Are leaders in other countries as bass awkward as they are here in America?

@azzow2 Are you writing from Russia? Please slap your history teacher for me, or get him some anti depressants.


Oh they are here.


We have a group called conservative atheists. Plenty of them here.

Being a conservative doesn't mean you support Trump, does it?

@tymtravler Oyyyyyyy......

@BlueWave What does Oyyyy mean?

The derp group that still talks about Hillary and Obama, lol

America's dumb bone


I keep encountering, and quickly blocking, Trump supporters on this website. Not every atheist is as intelligent as assumed.

Blockity, block, block, too. 😀

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