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Who has/had the best singing voice of all-time? My vote goes to Whitney Houston.

lkahleski 6 June 16

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Lily Pons.

Maybe Maria Callas.
Its a toss-up. I guess that dates me.

Freddy Murcury

It looks absolutely amazing. Rami Malik is a phenomenal actor and I think he will do a great job.


I would say Ella Fitzgerald if I thought that there is an actual best voice.


I don't have an all-time best, but would short-list the following:

Nina Simone
Barb Jungr
Eva Cassidy
Kate Bush
Linda Perry (you try singing What's Up)
Amy Winehouse

Robyn Adele Anderson
Haley Reinhart
Morgan James
(Yes, a big fan of Postmodern Jukebox)


karen carpenter

steve perry


No contest 😛



Oh gosh how could I have forgotten about him? lol


It really depends upon the style of music you prefer. My votes go for Ella Fitzgerald and Eva Cassidy.


Male:. Michael Crawford. His range is phenomenal.

Female: Linda Ronstadt. It's just beautiful to listen to.

Maybe someone will know what I'm thinking here. I recall seeing a female singer being interviewed and asked what other female singers she respected, and her answer was something like...

"There are only two 'singers', the late Patsy Cline and Linda Ronstadt, the rest of us are just faking it."

...or something along those lines.


My two cents worth.

Julie Covington. She's the one who did the definitive Don't Cry For Me Argentina. And I loved her as Beth in Jeff Wayne's musical version of The War of the Worlds.

Karen Carpenter. Too tragic a story.

Billie Holiday. Another tragic story and I wish there were better recordings of her voice.

RichCC Level 8 June 16, 2018

Karen Carpenter's isolated vocal tracks are really amazing... no wonder so many of their songs became hits.

Karen Carpenter's voice had such a wonderful warm tone.


Can we suggest men too? Roy Orbison. I do love me some Whitney but Ann Wilson from heart should be considered!


Lemmy Kilmister 😛


I don't know about 'of all time' but my latest fav is Jake Smith from White Buffalo.
Wait for it.


Norah Jones. I am biased because we are in love. I don't blame her for not knowing it.


freddy mercury


For me, it is hands down, eva cassidy. she didn't live long enough to become very well known, but for what she did while alive is wonderous. she also played guitar. listen and you will hear the voice of something that makes the hairs on my arms get tingly .... she was a beautiful person:

I agree 100%


There are no right or wrong answers.



lerlo Level 8 June 17, 2018

I love the voice of Karen Carpenter. Never heared another female singer hit the low notes like she did. Never get tired of listening. Just amazing!


Not a big fan but no one compares to Barbara Streisand.
And pat benetar comes in second (saw her at catch-a-rising-star before becoming a pop star)

jab60 Level 6 June 17, 2018

kd lang is a major favourite of mine.
I also love Tom Waits, Camille O'Sullivan, Will Oldham (for tone if not quality) and Ian McNabb of the Icicle Works. And I melt for Nick Drake.

But kd gets my vote for greatest.


Roy Orbison...had a truly operatic voice...clear articulation and great taste. BUT--now, there's Andrea Bocceli and Josh Groban. Hmmmm


Aretha Franklin - Female

Robert Plant - Male


For pop, maybe. But listen to some opera before deciding...


Tommy Shaw and Steve Perry
Annie Lenox and Stevie Nicks



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