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Who has/had the best singing voice of all-time? My vote goes to Whitney Houston.

lkahleski 6 June 16

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Depends on "best".

Singers with amazing range and beautiful voices: Matthew Bellamy and Christina Aguilera.
Singers with interesting voices: Stevie Nicks, Shakira, and Julian Casablancas

Not gonna lie though, when I heard Whitney Houston sing the National Anthem, I got shivers! And, as so many have said before, Freddie Mercury is another one that easily comes to mind. It's hard to choose just one, really. 🙂


Ella Fitzgerald, Annie Lennox.
Freddie Mercury, David Bowie.

CM1965 Level 7 June 23, 2018

Whitney and Dido


It all depends on the genre of music. Sometimes even a particular song which makes you nearly gasp with joy at the sound of it. So, indeed, there are no wrong answers, and that is there are so many different kinds of music.


For rock and pop?

Freddy Mercury (gifted beyond belief), Whitney Houston (she elevated the bland pop music she sang to another level) and David Bowie (the man could sing any style brilliantly).

David the man who became a star.


In my book it's Lisa Gerrard. her depth and range are outstanding.In the circles of recording they call her the mic breaker.She also worked with Hanns Zimmer on many movie scores.I don't believe in angels, but if they did exist they would sound like her.


For men I say Freddie Mercury and Luther Vandross.

Emmy Lou Harris, also check out Iris Demint.


In the present I think Adele and Carrie Underwood. They don't have to put on a show. They just sing !! 🙂


Loreena Mckennitt , Nick Drake both have amazing vocals and are 2 of my favorites..


Without criteria on which to base such judgment answers are merely opinion and sentimental.

There are two different fundamental bases upon which to evaluate best voice that don't even include elements like phrasing and emotional emphasis.

Who can say who is the best? Artists are different in so many ways from one another. Many play an instrument with great virtuosity. I ask do they play the instrument or do they play music? The voice is an instrument through which one can render musical performances. I ask are they using musical compositions to demonstrate instrumental virtuosity or applying virtuosity to a composition in order to render music.

A great voice is one that renders not only well practiced instrumental gymnastics but one that honors composer, piece and audience.

That said, who can compare with Ella?


Lily Pons.

Maybe Maria Callas.
Its a toss-up. I guess that dates me.

ABBA 😛. Ducks


Joan Collins or Ella Fitzgerald.

Year ago, I went to a Whitney Houston concert. She appeared uncomfortable, stiff and unable to dance. That took the shine off her in my eyes.

She was a well known bad dancer. As long as she doesn't dance, she has a great voice.


I'll say Elvis Presley for a male voice. Or Johnny Mathis, perhaps Nat King Cole....too many.

Well, you obviously haven't heard me sing yet.

@Duke Indeed I have. You have a very nice singing voice. I even checked out your other videos.

@Purplelotuspod awww... Thanks! ☺️


Whitney isn't a bad choice at all. Although, the best can mean anything.

If we're talking about emotion, I would have to say Donny Hathaway. That guy could make a person believe the world was ending in a few syllables.


Ann Wilson


Yes Whitney no dought at least the ones I heard.


Rob Halford- Judas Priest

81 or 82... Most terrifying concert I ever went to! Thought I was going to have to join a biker gang or something!

@Quattrostagione I saw them on the Screaming for Vengeance Tour! And Rob rolled out the bike!!!

That would have been the tour. Saw them at the Hampton Rhodes Coliseum when I lived in Va.Beach. Some family friends had a son who had just got out of back surgery, and I knew he loved METAL! So I suggest to friend (Paul) we should be cool dudes and take this 15 year old to the concert. Checked it out with his folks and they gave it a green light. He had a torso cast on from having like 9 inch rod grafted to his spine!!! He was a huge fat dude wearing a cast that covered his whole torso like a vest!

So, he gets invited and immediately invites another kid from school. They are effectively Beevis.and Butthead.

Needless to say we get to the concert and IMMEDIATELY the two 15 year old ditch us!

As for the concert, I expected loud, but damn.

My friend and I eventually move to seats up behind the stage hoping there will be a little less 'sonic pressure' behind the band. The section is completely empty.

A mere 2 or 3 minutes later, a biker gang comes up out of the stairwells on either side of us and COMPLETELY fills up the row in front of us, behind us, and all the seats on either side of us. The ONLY seat open is the one between me and my friend Paul. We don't say anything. The bikers say nothing. Everyone is just watching the show. There are a few hundred empty seats up here, but they have completely surrounded these two H.S. senior geeks.

My brain is on fire with "what happens next?" What will being a biker bitch be like. Will I have to ride on the back of his bike? You know, like the mohawk dude on The Road Warrior?

Another song... another song... and bang. Like we were wired together mentally Paul and I both stand up at the end of a song and say a few excuse me's as we head for the aisle. We just leave, and of course the bikers were cool. Neither one of us say anything while walking straight out to his Buick.

Outside the building the concert sounded great! Ironically best seats in the house were laying on the hood of a 67 Buick out in the parking lot waiting for Beevis and Butthead.

There were only about 25 cars left in the parking lot when Beevis and Butthead came out... they had pleaded and tried to get backstage, etc. I usually got home around 1230 or 1am from concerts, it was almost 4am that night. School night, of course!!!

I went to Buttheads parents 50th wedding anniversary. He saw no need to apologize!!


Whitney's cousin, Dionne Warwick.


Emmy Lou Harris


Enrico Palazzo


Freddie Mercury or Roy Orbison


Impossible you, I or any of us to determine. I will ask to a professional, a coach with a lifelong experience. In a song, I focus on the lyrics, not the messenger.... the message. Genre bias creates ignorance wedge. So many great voices in so many countries singing styles and languages I never listened to. I am not qualified... how will I know?


Whitney and Steve Perry


Judy Collins.

xyz123 Level 7 June 17, 2018
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