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Please enjoy my cartoon:

Godless12 5 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Why? Because "God wills it!"




Shame it wasn't a male soldier

Sorry about that - I did toy with the idea of making War a male character, but then thought that idea might confuse the point of the cartoon and perhaps hint (unintentionally) at the notion that homosexuality causes war or that militant gays and religion should get on together. Plus, I was kind of half-thinking of the Greek Goddess Athena (Goddess of war and wisdom and some other stuff) when I was drawing it. Plus, I admit, for me, it's much more interesting to draw female characters than male. I hope that makes sense.

@Godless12 Could have made God a woman, but I guess that's a whole separate debate. 🙂

@LetzGetReal Thanks!! (I think..).

@LetzGetReal, @godef And you see just how complicated a simple picture based on a simple idea could get!! I have to make the 'message' clear and that sometimes means depicting and relying on stereotypical representations of things/ideas to get the point across(Eg God as a white-haired, bearded fella, War as a Greek Goddess, Death as a hooded figure with a scythe, Satan as a red devil with horns and a forked tail, etc, etc). I have to remove any kind of ambiguity, although it would be fascinating to draw God as a woman. Thanks for the idea. Maybe next time...


Is it significant that war is actually less ugly than god?

If there is any significance, it wasn't intentional.


They're going to make terrifying babies together

What a great (though horrible) cartoon that would make!


I'll do more than enjoy it. I'll print it out and frame it!

Petter Level 9 June 17, 2018

Its funny because it's true..?

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