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Seeking Division of Church and State

sassygirl3869 9 June 18

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The Puritans were actually religiously intolerant, and not at all for individual religious freedom. They were for implementation of their own brand.
The framers of our Constitution, however, were something entirely different. Think Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.


trumpie does not know what history is . He would need to be able to read and he can't.

Marine Level 8 June 18, 2018

Not strictly true, the pilgrim fathers arrived in 1620 - 150 years before the war of independence, and were strict puritans seeking to escape from the rule of the Anglican church. But the concept is good.

Petter Level 9 June 18, 2018

YEA!!! A resounding YEA!! mcconnell, sessions and most of the gop seem to have forgotten this part of the founding of America.

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