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Where do you go to get the most unbiased news reporting? Is there even such a thing as unbiased reporting? Lately, I've been getting my news from "The Guardian" website, but I'm wondering if there's a better source.

RobLawrence 7 June 18

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Regardless of the source, you should always discern what they say is a factual bit of information, or some opinion. It's 100 degrees outside, is a fact. It's HOT outside, is a value judgment, and not a fact. Of course, news agencies will pick and choose what information supports their bias. To avoid that, use more than one source for the news.


I'm a big fan of just finding the story on the AP, Reuters, or UPI sites and then going beyond that if I'm interested.

Hordo Level 6 June 18, 2018

You have to secpetical on any news you listen to or read because 6 large corporations own almost all news outlets. What corporations don't think about the bottom line first. Back and forth from CNN and MSNBC


I think that most people are looking for a news source that confirms their existing bias, which they will then proclaim is "unbiased".








I get most of my news from NPR.

programs lean to the side of the advertisers


I do not know of any really unbiased reporting. In my opinion The Guardian is politically hard left-wing. [] publishes a balanced mixture of left-wing and right-wing articles, but it is rare that any of the reporting is what a reasonable person would call "unbiased"; it is biased one way or the other, like a courtroom debate.


Public Radio International, American Public Media, and BBC

t1nick Level 8 June 18, 2018
Check out stimulator on YouTube (The Fuckin' News)

Anarchist perspective on the news.


Unbiased, that’s tuff.. Public Broadcasting here in the US has been so underfunded it’s now reflecting almost completely the views of it’s ‘ultra liberal supporters,’ which of course includes consistent biases… I’ve nearly left them, haven’t contributed for years ..and at times regret the contributions I’d made.

They will run the BBC radio ‘Africa addition’ at night, though it provides little useful information for me. I’m definitely looking for a neutral news source not saturated by advertising. Lately, it’s podcasts on current events.. But I’m not satisfied.

Varn Level 8 June 18, 2018

Literally no one place.

If something gets posted I read it, look for other reputable organizations to say the same thing, then wait a few days regardless. It's fucking annoying but the propaganda machine combined with ADHD means every news source has an agenda on top of their drive for breaking news ratings. Sadly the most reputable news sources are the ones that openly state editorial opinions as at least they tell you their bias.

Information is dangerous these days.


Democracy Now Amy Goodman.

Pook Level 5 June 18, 2018
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