Lawrence O'Donnell just acknowledged Atheists as having morals and a conscience! Who would have thought... On his "Last Word" program on MSNBC, he was interviewing two Christian clergymen about how the current regime is using Christianity to justify their cruel practice of removing children from their parents at our southern border and putting them in so-called "shelters". The clergymen presented their view of Christianity as being opposed to such a policy. Towards the end of the interview, O'Donnell made it a point to mention us in regard to this heartbreaking issue. In a sea of discussions about this issue from the Christian point of view, it was refreshing to see us at least acknowledged.
If you need a religion to be human and moral does it say something about you not the atheist who is without the threats made in the books of religions.
I watched that. Admittedly, I felt a sense of acknowledgement
I also was happily surprised to hear the reference that "humanists" have the same moral conscience that Christians do, but that we get our moral conscience from within. That coming from a Christian clergy member, after being nudged by Lawrence. Glad others heard it too!
Yes, he had a Catholic Priest and the Episcopal Bishop who spoke at the royal wedding admit that atheists are moral people.
I thought that the Episcopal bishop looked familiar! He really shook things up at the wedding! I only wish that he had personalized his "power of love" theme to acknowledge the commitment to charity that Harry and Meghan have.