I think of a world without borders A free world about everything, beliefs, thoughts, free religion, free relationships, no restrictions
Imagine all the people living for today,
Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for,
And no religion, too,
Imagine all the people living life in peace,
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people sharing all the world
As long as people must struggle to survive, they will resent intruders. Today, the struggle to survive is artificial, the rich people want to control others by economic control. Good food is thrown in the trash rather than give it to starving people. As AI and robotics take jobs and reduce the cost of everything, prices fall since people who don't have jobs cannot by anything. Capitalism will destroy itself. At the moment, price increases are pushing inflation higher, but the process cannot continue. People are already hot swapping beds and many people are being forced into homelessness. An economic collapse is looming; though, when is uncertain. Given climate change will kick our ass, too, we may not survive as a species. If we do, then I think there will be a chance to unite the world, but it seems unlikely.
Yep, well put.
Im ok with open borders, open political distinctions between places, but im not ok with "free relationships", "free religon" "free beliefs", as this is usually used by pedo weirdo cults to justify child trafficking, and who knows what, and making people not free, usually the vulnerable, much like the Children of God sex cult that Rose McGowan and JoQuin Phoenix grew up in. No, there should be restrictions in place that protect those that can't legally mke these "free thought " decisions and choices, as there will always be people that will abuse that.
@StilInterested groups like the Children of God actually got kicked out of the US, and are now in Brazil/south and central America. Other groups like flds in Utah, places in Idaho, it really depends on the state, the group. There are a lot of places in Upstate NY, where its just hard to tell what is going on, as it is an intentional community, and a closed one. cultwatch is a good resource as is savethechildren.org, but there is really a limited response to things like this, because yes, Religion, religious freedom comes into it a lot. they withdraw from society for some very messed up reasons, and its to cover what they are doing, so catching them can be tough.
The house next door stuff is the worst. Like with the family out here in California earlier this year. These complex abuse cases often have religion involved but its more like parents keeping kids captives for decades in a horror house situation, a real nightmare. Unbelievable that it went on for so long. People need to know what to look for when they see someone they think might be in trouble.
@StilInterested im not sure laws could be put in place to prevent such things from existing, but there are laws already that prohibit how you treat minors, child endangerment, child welfare, truancy, you name it. that even Amish and Mennonite people have to adhere to. But its like almost institutionalized with some, I think of that case like what is shown on that show "The Keepers" and am horrified by it.
like, if "incels" managed to form a religion of sorts, and demanded state sponsored sex slave women that were property, id be more than legally opposed to that. id be ok with having them kicked out of the country like the others (if theyd make it)
Free minds and free markets, the equitable distribution of the commons.
All that is left now is to find Wendy to fly there with you. ?
It's a lovely thought and how it should be but it will never be while humans believe they own the planet.
Yep, I cannot conceive of such with people involved, seems to go against our nature.
@Rugglesby sadly yes its true
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@StilInterested I copy/paste useful information to a draft in gmail, with a labeled subject line. Then I can always find it, since gmail has a search engine for drafts
I am looking forward to the book launch - it should be a good read