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Amazon Alexa is listening to you. Several items we have talked about in private have popped up on the Facebook . The very item. It has done this several times. Be careful what you say around Alexa
even if you did not say her name. Alexa hears everything.

factorbelief 6 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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That was the entire point. All laptop computers are watching you,G.E.appliances with the little red light are watching you,along w their street lights. Toys record your childrens goes on and on.

The allusion of privacy is a thing of the past.


I find her to be stupid at times. I expected her to be real smart but mine is not.... I ask her questions and she says,,, I don't know that. There are days I never talk to her except ask what the temperature is outside or to spell something.. I am very disappointed in her.... Could I get a refund on her cause I think she is a LEMON!

Mine is disappointing also ,there is so much she does not know

@factorbelief I agree. I had friends over and they said theirs you don't even have to call her by her name. I can't say or ask her anything unless I say her name first. I didn't get this robot to train her to know things I expect her to already know like a computer...


It's not just Alexa. Many people have been experiencing ads for things they discuss simply while their phones are present. It's too common an occurance to be happenstance.

I agree that is what clued me in to what was going on.


I wouldn't have one of those things in my house.


It is a thing privacy is an illusion and a thing of the past.

Even if Amazon is recording everything you say through Alexa, what the fuck do you think they're doing with it?! What's so special that you talk about around your home that Jeff Bezos is dying to be a fly on the wall?

I'm serious, if you people are afraid of Alexa you don't understand what kind of information is already out there about you. They have far better information through other methods, LIKE WHAT YOU TYPE INTO THE INTERNET!!!


Not if she's not here - and she's not, and won't ever be.


Amazon. It treats its staff like crap. Jeff Bezos is a billionaire off of their toil and sweat. It advertises in Breitbart.

I shut my account years ago.


If you put on the tin foil hat it won't do that

GwenC Level 7 June 19, 2018

Was that a joke cause my Alexa is a Lemon...

@TweedleDee It is possible you have a lemon. But there is a lot she does not know.

Or an ostrich could stick its head in the ground.

@factorbelief I guess I was expecting more of the "Jetson" age thinking things could be so easily ready to just talk and some idiot thing would answer me....


My phone does that without Alexa. Your phone also has apps that track your position, fb is one of these apps.


I for one welcome our robot overlords


I am not afraid. It is no more than a challenge to out smart them.

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