Why are women scare of meeting men ? If they follow two simple rules ,1) meet in a public place and 2)take a chaperone with them
Hi, Eric,
Women are afraid of meeting men for good reason. Many of us have been sexually assaulted, often in public places and by people we thought were decent men. In my case, by a doctor who was giving me a physical when I was 15 years old (I later reported him to the medical society), and also by someone from church whom I'd dated once before and thought was safe.
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I guess you don't watch TV , read the news , have conversations ? Men are dangerous . Not all men murder women . Not all men drop date rape drugs in a woman's drink . Not all men rape women . Not all men are looking for an easy victim , so they can steal her purse or her car . Not all men run scams against women . The problem is which ones are . They don't wear signs stamped to their foreheads . While the majority of men are most likely safe , the problem is , which ones ?
Men should follow the #1 rule, don't assault women.
^^^ She's right you know.