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What is your technique to connect to the Universe?

Indigomother 3 Dec 28

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As Einstein asserted , the most complicated thing about our universe is it's simplicity.
To connect we only need be our self but that is the real issue. We must know who the self is Notice how we all talk with ourselves and actually hold a conversation inside. These two voices exist and it is knowing the voice that speaks from beyond being merely human. Know the energy of creation itself and you know that all your atoms are 14 billion years old/ We are not a human, only by chemical reaction but not by mind

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

I listen to the Moody Blues. 7 of their albums are full of interesting enlightened material. OM !

I also listen to the Moody Blues. Put me in kind of an altered state.


I’m not sure, but I think I know what you mean. Some people call it mindfulness, a method of being in the moment.
I have a few ways, like doing strenuous hiking, kayaking or bike riding, or just lying on my back, looking at the stars, and getting a better picture of just how small my problems really are.


Gaffer tape


more than 40 years ago I used to say... I am a citizen of the world, the universe is just the environment surrounding my presence. Has Not Changed. I do have techniques to connect with my inner self during my writing.

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