I grew up being taught that marriage was the goal. That is so wrong. Marriage is a tool and when a tool no longer serves a function it's time to discard it.
when i was growing up girls didn’t have dreams or goals other than marriage, kids a house and good chicken recipes. The role of the female was clearly defined...homemaker and mother. i was raised catholic so five or six kids were also part of the dream. Right now i would never use the words in public that i would use on someone who would dare tell me what my role in life should be. life under these circumstances was a big fight. All the way. i left that bloody church, went back to school and got my BA. i was criticized by my family. My mother told me i had to stay in my place. I got married and now i am a widow...living independently. i have two daughters and grandchildren. Life is good. I am soooooo glad i fought for what i wanted.
At least in the US, there are many reasons for marriage..being able to combine incomes and afford the rent and insurance, having protection for women so they aren't targeted as single women living alone.
Financial and social support for women who choose to have children.
In other countries, though, the social net is strong enough that women can comfortably raise children on their own and everything is taken care of.
We all change, and what at one time in our lives, served our purpose in a positive way, no longer does that, so I agree, time to move on if that's the case.
Yes....seems silly to take vows for a lifetime. We are different people every day. Looking back, I think marriage was something set up by religion. Take the vow, break it, committing a sin, go to confession for absolution, stay in the religion, bringing your money. Lol.
My first marriage ended 24 years ago. We are still friends and watch out for each other.
Maybe double check you're using the tool right 1st. Otherwise yep.