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Was riding an elevator at the hospital with my Egyptian tattoos visible... Security Guard told me I was going to hell 😀

Niledogra 4 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Ask where it is and how exactly does he know that?


I would love tattoos from my future spouse who could teach me to tattoo her according to her wishes


Made a point of looking up the scripture in the bible about tattoos. It says to mark your body to belong to a idol-worshipping tribe is an issue with god. Funny thing about Christians is that they NEVER read the bible. I don't worship Egyptian gods, I just enjoy Egyptian archetypes. Isis, Isis, Ra, Ra, Ra!

Odd to be commenting on old post, Security guards are not a biblical authority and tattoos are not in their Big 10 list !


I would of said that's just a fairy tale and laugh! Lol


did you say see you there


The little unexpected slings and arrows can be surprisingly hurtful. Either that or the religious fascist can go fuck himself/herself.


Why doesn't cool stuff like that ever happen to me?

Just not as lucky as me 🙂 I attract all the weirdos--no eye contact!


Oh? Which button do I push?

Awesome! Wish I woulda thought of that, but I was too shocked that a hospital employee would tell a stranger they're going to hell 😀 Shoulda reported him!


I would have said "and you're a security guard, l win." ?


I probably would have spat out "which one?"


The security guy said that what a dick! . Sorry bro

Drew69 Level 7 June 20, 2018

Were you going to the top floor of the Trump Tower?

Right??? 🙂


That must suck for him/her to be that small-minded. What ink I have isn't usually seen, but it's no ones right to judge you on what you decide to put on your body. Eff that person.


Should ask if he is wearing more than one type of fabric.



I think they look kinda Cool

Hope so, I'm stuck with 'em 🙂 Thanks!


There an ankh among them?

Yep 😉


Ignorant a**

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