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This is exciting! I've just made arrangements to attend the FFRF national convention in San Francisco, Nov. 2-4th. If you'll be there...maybe we could meet up? SALMAN RUSHDIE will be speaking, along with Cecile Richards & others. Should be fun!

LucyLoohoo 9 June 21

Enjoy being online again!

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That's a distinct possibility for me.


If you like, I'll write a summary after being there. It would be fun to meet any of you who are there! Let me know if you're going, ok?


That’s an easy drive for me. I’ll look into attending.


Congrats...wish I had the time!
Rushdie is a very good speaker!

Hutch Level 7 June 22, 2018

Long time attendee at American Atheist conventions, never FFRF. Not this year, but I need to get to one.

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