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Have you gone on a 'healthy' diet, and if so, have you stayed with it for a long time? Has this change made you feel better mentally and physically?

classical-jazzy 2 June 22

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Since age 21, I have been regularly weightlifting, hiking, backpacking, running, swimming, downhill skiing, cross country skiing and stretching. Endorphins are addictive.

In 2017, I set a personal record by hiking 326 miles with over 63,200 feet of elevation gain. Spectacular mountain vistas, high alpine lakes, white glaciers and jagged mountain peaks. Love it.

My mother was considered an exercise fanatic and a health nut. Mom raised us on low fat, healthy food. I took it to a new level. Thanks, Mom!

At age 22, my youngest sister got skin cancer. I was 27. That was a wakeup call and the last year I had a tan. Since then I have worn sunscreen every day, year-round, on my face and neck, and a wide-brimmed hat while hiking and gardening. That's why my skin looks good.

So, I have never smoked, avoid alcohol and never drink soda pop. Also, don't eat deep fried food, fast food, hamburgers, donuts or pizza: all the high fat, processed, sugary junk foods that Americans love.

Result: I have high energy, get great sleep and feel happy and healthy.

My dad died of cancer at age 51. I was 24. Immediately I eliminated from my diet preserved meats with cancer-causing nitrites and nitrates. Bacon, ham, pepperoni, salami, etc. One a year, I enjoy a rib-eye steak when finding morel mushrooms in the spring. Sauté the morels with olive oil, butter and garlic: WOW!

Instead of buying processed food, I cook from scratch at home.

Bottom line: a healthy lifestyle gets results. Exercise and enjoy eating healthy, whole foods. Protect your skin from the sun. Drink lots of water. Be optimistic and upbeat. Have fun! It shows.


I've been a vegetarian 6 years this year, veering on the side of vegan for about 6 months. I weigh less than I did in high school, feel great, and have absolutely NO health problems.


Giving up on sugars and junk food in general put an end to the low-level depression that had dogged me for my entire adult life. Who'd 'a known it was that simple?


When I eat more vegetables, I feel healthier.


I went vegetarian in 1980 and have stayed at the same weight since then. It's hard to tell how much my diet is responsible for my good health, normal blood pressure, low cholesterol and 60bpm resting pulse, but it doesn't seem to have done me any harm.

Gareth Level 7 June 22, 2018

I have been eating healthy for about the past 9 years now, I do not consider it dieting because most people use that term as a temporary thing to do until they get where they want to be. I just slowly cut back on the stuff that is not healthy, but I do not cut it out totally. Like i usually do not drink soda, but I might have one when I go somewhere and feel like having one...but that might mean I have only two sodas a I have tried to cut out everything in my house with trans fats, but I do not worry about it when I go to a restaurant. The whole thing is doing what you can stick with. Even if you are going to limit your calories, don't go from 3000 calories a day to 2000, do a couple weeks at 2900 and then cut back to 2800 and so on to let your body get use to it. Good Luck


yes. i am basically plant based now, except got some fish, turkey and some low fat milk. it’s easy and i feel,so much better. my bloodwork comes back better than ever....normal,cholesterol. i also use my rowing machine for about two hours each week. i can get up off the floor and i feel stronger.


I have never been on any diet in all the 80 years of my life. I eat what I enjoy eating and keep easin' on down the road.

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