I am excited to have found this site and am looking forward to interacting with like minded people.
Welcome to this crew! You will find many groups on here as well about almost any subject!
Welcome to our humble site... loved the movie "The Red Violin".
@RedViolin Perfect! You were born for it!!!
Hi, RedViolin, and welcome to the website!
This website has a bit of a learning curve so here is some information that might be helpful.
New members are encouraged to earn website points, and help other members get to know them better, by writing an informational profile that includes their hobbies and interests, and answering all the profile questions, since that's the first place many people look when they see a new member.
You've already done most of this!
Also, the website uses profiles to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match.
Then people make comments and write their own posts to earn more points and privileges; for instance, at level two someone can private email people. There are different perks with each level, and when you reach level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt.
To find members near you, click on the "Meet" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters.
Or click on the "About" button at the top of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial.
Click on the 'Meet" button to find member matches
Levels are mostly a way to help identify and reward those who contribute to the growth of the community. The website also gives more access and benefits depending on level.[agnostic.com]
Perks for each level: [agnostic.com]
Links to FAQ: [agnostic.com],
and a website tutorial: [agnostic.com]
Just don't be shy and tell it how you feel. Let the cards fall where they may and go on. You have some indifferent people on here which is due to other reasons other then being an "Agnostic" If this is why your here then keep the thought and you will find what your in search of.