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I lost my little girl (my 15 year old chihuahua) on Monday. I miss her so much. She was my constant companion for 11.5 years. I think there were only about maybe 7 or 10 days in the time I had her that she did not sleep with me in my bed. I know her health was bad, but for some reason I still feel like I let her down. I don't know why.

Violet 4 June 24

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So sorry for your loss. Our pets are family and they are there every day. I suspect you gave her a darned good life.


Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It means a lot to me.

Violet Level 4 June 25, 2018

The most important lesson our pets teach us in this life is how to say goodbye.

You should go to a shelter and adopt a new pet as soon as possible. There is another dog out there who needs your love and companionship and is dying to give you everything they have to offer in return for so little.

Only problem is, I have still have 4 dogs. We are only supposed to have 3 in our community. Oops! I have a loophole, my husband and I own a duplex that is considered a 2 family dwelling by the city. We live in the whole thing. Sooooo technically I have 4 dogs in 2 homes....


I lost my boy april 9th to lymphoma and my girl of 14 years stopped eating and died june 18th


Oh, please tell me more. I have adopted two chihuahuas, Lucy, a 1 yr old mix with Australian Cattle Dog and Chico, a 10 year old purebred applehead chihuauhua. Please tell me that the exitement and barking over every little thing will eventually stop. They make me get out of bed when I want to just hibernate and wallow in the pain. They love me and try to follow what few rules I have set for them.. But they are not spaniels or Rottweilers or pugs. They keep me on my toes and love me with a vengence. I can jus imagine what losing one of them will do to me. You have my sympathy.


Very sorry for your loss.


15 years is long life, sorry for the loss. Living in a house with 3 females. Never been sole responsible for a pet.


Sorry for your loss. You gave your best care and love. She had a wonderful and loving long life with you. Take your time to grief. And take care of yourself.


Our pets are our babies. Unfortunately their lifespans are much shorter than our own. Gives us the opportunity for lots of loss. I have three who sleep with me every night. One 12, one 10 and the is 6. Since I've retired I'm with 'em all day every day. If I eat out I feel guilty because they're not there to hand bites too. Sorry for your loss.


Grief is great love, with no place to go. Find something or someone who needs love, and give your love freely to use and honor your teacher of that love, forever a beautiful memory.

Guss Level 2 June 24, 2018

I’m deeply sorry, I’ve got 4 dogs and the higher in the family unit then I but o love them and in fact I love dogs more then many people I’ve met. They briefly assess you for safety then usually in varying degrees accept you... no biases, non judgemental, just cool


Sorry for your loss.


Losing your Dog:
“Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives.” John Galsworthy.

Poeticallly put and so true


So sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are family and we miss them. Sometimes I think I hear one of them and actually look for him. Hang in there.


That made me cry. 😟


I’m sorry. We lost Toby last June. I miss him. Such a sweet dog. Remember the good times

jab60 Level 6 June 24, 2018

Oh no! That's so sad! My heart breaks for you! I too, have a sweet little one and even though l've only had her 2 years, it would be devastating to lose her. I'm sure you were a good parent and that her life was one of happiness and contentment. We all can only do what we can do in this life and hope to leave this world (and the lives we touch) better than we found them. She may be gone from the physical realm, but her sweet presence will be in your heart forever. Hang in there!


So sorry for your loss. Our fur-babies become part of the family and we want the best for them. I get why you feel like you let her down, that's part of grieving the loss. I wish you the best. 😟

Betty Level 8 June 24, 2018
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