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Do you believe that white people are born with unearned privilege?

Marika 4 June 24

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Kinda looks that way from this photo... 🙂

Buddha Level 8 June 24, 2018

For the most part, yes. But there are notable exceptions.
In our high school of about 1,600 children, we had about 4 poc (no segregation, just not many in my area).
One became our star wrestler, one became our CLASS PRESIDENT.
He was a very likable person, but then, prejudice wasn't very common that I was aware of in the farm community I was raised in.
It's a taught response, and it just wasn't practical in a community where everyone was partially dependent on each other (and knew one another).
I understand this was not the norm, however.

Agamic Level 6 June 24, 2018

In my opinion "white privilege" is a conspicuous example of virtue signalling. It gives White Liberals an easy way to signal to each other how moral they are about supposed Black oppression, without having to actually think about the realities of racial controversies in the USA and elsewhere.


Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not spend anytime in marginalized communities. They are either in denial, or been sheilde from seeing the effects of white previlage, by being white privileged.

t1nick Level 8 June 24, 2018

I don't know but I went Salsa Dancing Friday Night in Maryland Live Casino and realized that 75 % at least of the gamblers were black, the next demographic was oriental so maybe whites know something perverse about gambling.


It used to be the case years ago, but today being White is as much a liability as a privilege, depending on the context.


It's a fucking sad state of affairs when 'not being shot just for existing' is a privilege afforded only to certain people.


Depends on the context, but in general - yes.

There is no doubt. White people were not routinely stopped and searched in New York City by the police.

There is no lynching memorial in Alabama for white victims.

White Americans are simply 'Americans'.

The list goes on.


Not necessarily . There are times when white males are passed over in favor of less or unqualified minority candidates .White males are subject to profiling and are often victims of job description .This is an evil practice going on in academe.I know some one who has seen this from the inside where he was on a university search committee.What ever happened to fairness ?What ever happened to the standard of excellence--to hiring the most qualified person.

granny Level 6 June 24, 2018

@TheAstroChuck ... seems affirmative action is the result of racism, as is assumed white privilege.

What do you describe pales by comparison to pervasive, subtle, or not so subtle prejudice against people of color. Your posting sounds like talking points from fox propaganda or right wing stooges. I think you have a lot to learn.


Yes many are, but that doesn't apply just to caucasians. Depends on the society you are in.


No way no how, are whites better or worse by any other race or etc. Unfortunately life is not as I view it.

bxchat Level 3 June 24, 2018

This is off topic, your post provoked me to investigate. []

azzow2 Level 9 June 24, 2018

Privilege, like other words, has undergone some absurd expansion of meaning the more it is misused. Some call it expansion but come to think of it, decay also applies.

It's certainly over used.


Absolutely and obviously. And we should use that privilege to promote equality among our fellow human beings.

Deb57 Level 8 June 24, 2018

And give up the unearned privilege without compensation ? No, No, no. Who ever heard of someone doing that ?


...a result of colonialism and imperialism


The works of Peggy McIntosh and Robin diAngelo speak eloquently on this subject.

Marika Level 4 June 24, 2018

Yes many are, but that doesn't apply just to caucasians. Depends on the society you are in.


In South Africa it is certainly true !

You are all being threatened with mass murder. What sort of privilege is that?

No we are not ! Who told you that BS !

@VAL3941 Julius Malema: "I'm saying to you, we've not called for the killing of white people, at least for now. I can't guarantee the future." [] Jews were "privileged" in Germany in 1932. Ten years later they were all shipped to murder camps. Envy is the most destructive force in the world.

Julius is an idiot. No where near that yet !


Absolutely, positively YES! How could any intelligent person think otherwise?

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