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We dropped off our son at a sleep away camp yesterday. It's his first time away. We're not exactly having an easy time with it. Anyone else run into this?

Kbdank71 7 June 25

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Yes I've had this over just a birthday sleepover. Check in frequently. Hopefully if anything does go awry he'll tell you straight away.

How worried I'd be would also depend on how well they hold their own in a group by themselves.

Qualia Level 8 June 25, 2018

Maybe I'm heartless, but my wife and I didn't have a problem with it at all. He had been camping with us before, and had been to a local day camp, and we knew he loved it, so his first sleep-away camp was no big deal.


He will be fine. Let go of him a little you will benefit by it as he develops.

Marine Level 8 June 25, 2018

PS....don't forget "Camp Grenada."



Ours just got back from their first camp. It's in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone reception so it was really weird not hearing from them for 5 days. Fortunately we have known many people who have went to the camp and know some of the camp leaders so we knew they were in good hands but it's bizarre and a bit unsettling just handing them over to someone else for a week.

Hang in there!!


One of my kids we sent to sleep away mon - fri. He had a hard time at first. Then to all summer sleep away. He adjusted and went for years at camp. They learn to socialize and be independent. It’s a great experience. My opinion is that they transition to college life more easily. It worked for my kids.
But it is not for everyone.
Camps have many activities and the counselors watch out for the kids.

jab60 Level 6 June 25, 2018

I'm guessing you've thoroughly vetted the camp and its staff. You didn't say how old your son is but he might have some homesickness, etc, at first.'s a great experience for a ''big boy'' and you're a good dad for setting it up. Be brave. This is only the beginning. ('s true. There'll be the first date and driving and college and...well, you'll get there.)


It is as important to him as it is for you parents. Step one toward his independence. If is the right camp, he will be alright and so will you parents.

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