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Re: trump's 'they're sending their murderers and rapists'
Is there some sort of murderers guild I don't know about? Does the Mexican Murder Association say "we've been looking at your work. Impressive. We're sending you to the big leagues. Here's a ticket to America".
Are there Mexican rapists saying "I've done what I can here. I need to take this to the next level. America!"

Count_Viceroy 7 June 25

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The US has the most serial killers of any country in the world, because it's a brutal shit hole.


Trump is a sensationalist, playing to a dumb crowd. But it was far more than his small percentage of ‘followers’ having given him the votes to obtain the presidency. Those came from a silent yet diversified group of voters no doubt sick & tired of unchecked illegal immigration.

Having watched the west coast’s interstate corridor I-5 become a ‘drug corridor’ over the last several decades as criminal drug dealers hauled if from mexico to canada, may have been what trump meant… But since his followers couldn’t follow a sentence that long, he simplified it.

Someone may also have described to him the raped and murdered bodies dumped at the reservoir near my home … easily ascertained by local law enforcement to be the work of ‘mexican migrants,’ following a previous pattern of abducting lone women (including mothers) from grocery store parking lots.. With the fact none were apprehended, perhaps trump assumes they’re still out there ..which they are.

He also speaks of ‘gangs,’ but only the worse, prettymuch known in central LA. No doubt voters are more familiar with their names than the obscure names, ‘colors and signals’ we, as educators had to stay updated on our rural county seat town…

Beyond that, I remember quite vividly the hundreds of ‘snapple’ glass juice bottles stuffed with lunch garbage having been tossed into our local stream as ‘the migrants’ left the vineyards after a days wages under the table. Granted, I only found the bottles that didn’t land and float down that mountain stream...

Attempting to make a joke of this situation is sick in itself, maybe you’d best begin paying attention first.

Varn Level 8 June 25, 2018

Ok. I'll go by what I see. I see the dozens of families that sent children into my classroom. Hard-working and dedicated to their. children. Respectful of what I do. And once the migrants started to move into the run down trailer park next door, replacing the meth heads and squatters, it's funny how those trailers started looking nicer and our crime rate went down. I'm thinking that people looking to cross the border aren't looking for fresh Americans to rape and kill. Their looking for what most of our ancestors did when they came.

@weelittleone Yes, they’re looking for what we’ve got. But they need to acquire it within their nations, not ours. I’ve known them, taught them, and helped them.. But, the price of this constant flow is unsustainable. And ‘the culture’ I’ve witnessed has, on average, 3rd grade educations, catholic-induced breeding habits and the willingness to live 3 families to house, with screen doors broken off, abandoned cars, grassless lawns and diapered children wading through mud puddles. If US citizens care to live like this - then give us another decade or two of unchecked immigration … it’ll eventually balance out, between the failed nations they’ve left and what’s left of ours…


The voice of ignorance.

I still can't believe no-one has shot him.


Ironic words from the head of the Trump crime family.


He has a phobia about spanish people and calls them all rapists and murders. Lets face it he is a racist of multiple kinds.Spanish,black brown Asian muslim etc.

Marine Level 8 June 25, 2018

When you look at the data the overall crime and murder rate for illegal immigrants is less than it is for natural born citizens and way lower for legal immigrants. But since when did Trump let those pesky old facts get in the way of his arguments.........

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