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Does anyone here ever check their message inbox?

DrFaust 4 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Heheh..well just curious. Had sent quite a number of messages out just being friendly and no replies. But I see a lot of you keep up with posts!

Probably when people get to know you a little better -- by your comments, replies, etc. -- they may feel more comfortable responding to your personal messages.

@BlueWave possibly. I never have problems making friends. We stay on the road a lot going to festivals or traveling to our land in Texas. Sometimes time is an issue so that hinders comments etc. But when friendly overtures are ignored then the person I'm trying to be friends with soon becomes a dim memory. Our lives are full but there is always room to fit another person into it whether female, male or in-between. Just no conservatives or bible thumpers. Lol

@DrFaust Cool - Good luck!


I check it many times a day, but I have only been on this site one day.

Ronny Level 4 June 25, 2018

Ha! Funny. 🙂

@BlueWave I will be the same way no matter how long I am on this site until I find a good woman to be in a relationship with!


I do daily, but some vague non-personal messages (obviously duplicated to several others) don't deserve a response. Others, with an actual interesting reason for contact, get a response at my convenience.


Whenever there's a notification about it.


All the time.


I'm chatting several times a day so yes.


Several times a day - I usually have conversations in progress with various friends and new message alerts don't always appear.

Jnei Level 8 June 25, 2018

yes. not sure why you ask but sometimes the alerts don't show up

btroje Level 9 June 25, 2018

I have the same problem.


Yes,I do,after posting some information about subjects I know,getting responses.

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