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WTH???? Just because I prefer the company of women doesn't mean I hate my 'brothers'. It does seem odd and feels strange that of the last 12 visitors to my page, 11 are males.

Not sure how to take this.. Maybe you guys just think I'm a special kind of crazy and can;t resist a closer look? Maybe what I express resonates more with you than with females?

It might be interesting to know what motivations are. But like the 'old saying goes', be careful what you ask for. 🙂

Silver1wun 7 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes an errant thumb stroke hits a link


Your profile photo is of a statue. That could play a part.


Ok I just looked also.


Well... I did it because I was curious about what those 11 other guys thought...

SirJet Level 5 June 25, 2018

If you look closely at your visitors, you'll notice that most of them say "hovered". Now that the site has the feature of reading partial profiles by just holding your mouse for a second over a profile picture, I've accidentally "hovered" on lots of people's profiles, and my guess is that that is what you're seeing.


There could actually be several things going on here. Maybe some men are just interested. Others could be curious, seeking some kind of tips on how to conduct themselves in whatever they're looking for. They could also just be looking for friendship.
I personally think that they want to know if what you do works in regards to meeting women. Pretty basic

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