There is no such thing as a 'humble' opinion. The use of the word humble is to convey an inverted sense of importance. What do we think?
Although some even many people may be attempting to "convey an inverted sense of importance" that by no means proves that there are no humble opinions.
I agree. It's passive aggressive.
My thoughts exactly
It makes good sarcasm, also inverted. I highly prize my opinions because most to almost all are personally thought-out and question specific; excluding as much 'group think' as possible.
What passes for personal opinion on most questions today is spontaneous regurgitation of group doctrines and 'identity' based answers that people actually believe are their own; things like talking points.
That is so true isn't it. Drives me up the wall when someone says "In my opinion..." and as you wait for some sage argument in order to engage in a healthy discussion it turns out to be a cliched and well-hackneyed vox pop, as you say, regurgitation
I use this or similar expressions (in my native language) to show that it is a weak statement, not properly rooted on good sources or a gut feeling.
Like telling that according to MARI "most of things happens this way" (MARI means My Ass Research Institute).
OK, instead of saying In my humble opinion maybe I should say "you probably don't want to hear this but..." I don't know about inverted sense of importance, but I'm reasonably smart and full of opinions. And then there is the adage that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they're usually full of shit.
Absolutely, as long as you don't expect anyone to care!!! ?
I am not humble myself, but i recognise it as an attempt to say ' i value your opinion as much as i value my own'. Which is, of course, a lie. But what is the alternative? We just rant at each other ? ?
The answer is to bring supportive evidence to your opinion. Then debate has s platform to commence from.
See your point. To state an opinion is to challenge or argue. Humbility is an adjective in sense of clarifying a state of being.
True, ...... Everything in law is an argument. Socially argue has a negative connotation, but it really should not. Very true, opinions pesent themselves in the manner of spirit by which they are presented. Agreed. But opinions are like suggestions, however they have different definition. An opinion is a judgement... let me show...
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
Were as...
an idea or plan put forward for consideration.
His argument is refering to the adj humble, be given to the noun opinion which is a judgement or viewpoint .... in so being outspoken or challenging to the rhetoric.
We are truly sarguing semantics.
Agreed. I’ve read many a not-so-humble opinion (yet labeled as such) around here And there’s the, ‘in my opinion’ … I was taught some time back that every thought you describe is your opinion
It’s a smarmy attempt of insulating oneself from critical feedback, thinks I..
A little while I commented on a post that I will speak my mind no matter whom it might offend. And I got some negativity from that comment. But to be honest, That comment meant to be a statement of fuck you I will be an ass no matter who I might piss off.
And to get to my point, I'm not sure that this might be "humble" or not, but I always speak the truth as I might know or think.
The humbling part of that I will gladly change my views if the right evidense shows me other wise. to that end, I whill gladly humble to what some one smarter than me might have a better understang than I do. I love to learn from those smarter than I am.
I guess that that notion could be an act of humbleness.
Nice one! I don't really know what humble means. It certainly doesn't represent anyone that I have come across in this life. My jolly self included. I suspect you may have hit the metaphorical nail on the metaphorical head. Let's see the evidence!
Conventional to abbreviate it to IMHO
Oh okay. I thought it meant I Must Hurry Over. Amazing how imprecise speech and text can cause misunderstanding. Reminds me of a few books out there!
I think the use of humble in this case can be a rhetorical device that invites open rapport by indicating that opposing opinions will not be met by defensiveness or hostility.
In my experience unlikely!?
Simply a way of attempting modesty. not the worst attribute to have.
That's a nice idea.