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I know I'm really sad when I don't eat. This is rare for me, because food is my drug of choice. But the last time this happened was a couple of years ago, I could barely choke down food for months. The pattern seems to be that it hits me when I'm going through a sudden major transition in my life, and right now this is no different.

bleurowz 8 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry to hear you have hit a rough patch.
Food is comfort for me, a bad thing I know. I get depressed, and I don't want to with hold that small pleasure from myself.
Can you find other things that you can use to reward yourself and take the emphasis off food? Then as long as you eat food that sustains, including protein shakes and the like, it will matter less that you are not in the mood for eating.
Just a thought.

Thanks. Yes, the shakes are about all I can handle. I've also been watching feel-good movies. I do need things to comfort myself right now.


I didn't eat or sleep for several months after my first big relationship break up.

That's part of it for me too. It's also happening while I'm going through some big health issues, so it's been so overwhelming.


I have cancer...and food can be hard for me some days. So sorry.

I hear you. When I was going through chemo last year (for Hodgkin's Lymphoma), I couldn't eat then, too. I know that was from the treatment.


I know exactly what you mean, but I have no words of advice because I'm useless at dealing with that sort of stuff too. So, solidarity. Keep on keeping on. ❤

Jnei Level 8 June 26, 2018

Thank you. Appreciate it.


Depression can take many forms,have you seen your Doctor, and told him or her of your problem? A major emotional event triggers this kind of reaction.There are medications to increase your appetite.

I take meds and see a therapist on a regular basis. I'm supposed to see her in a few days, but I've already put in a call to her to see if I can talk to her sooner.

@bleurowz Yes,it's very important to have regular meals,blood sugar levels will be affected,and your body's metabolism with be on a roller coaster ups and downs.

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