Needing Independence... How do you find courage to find interdependence when you have felt so dependent on someone for so long? I'm needing strength and words of affirmation.
Hopefully you're already out of the codependent situation, so that's 90% of the battle.
You can find support by googling and joining various local community groups that do what you already enjoy doing..hiking, kayaking, bird watching, biking, book clubs, etc.
Or volunteer to clean up a park, repair a national forest trail, serve meals in a soup kitchen, etc.
Hopefully, you're employed so you aren't financially dependent on your ex.
I started with small steps, close to home, and, as I gathered experience and courage, branched out from there. A few fears that do not come to pass, along with some rewards that do will help your journey gather steam. I started off nervous driving across town, and now put the kids on flights out of country for family vacation! It CAN be learned. (: