This is Tilikum crossing, constructed during Obama presidency, as I crossed it, I thought about President Trump's hysteria to roll away with anything that has Obama name, will he order dismantling of this remarkable bridge? Which actually has a note recognizing Obama? Americans should help me understand this. Republicans, will you take a step to elevate your hate? The World still doubts if you have demonstrate what hate can here is the test for you. Prove to us that you hate Obama with passion.
The bottom line is, this bridge was built using tax payers' money. So Americans built the bridge.
It's opportunitistic for politicians to attach their name to it.
The note just acknowledge those who gave in time to see this remarkable bridge comes to life, all people and companies,and labourers, political and non political are acknowledged. And it's not the first bridge to have acknowledgements. Another remarkable bridge with acknowledgements are here []
There are bridges in the UK that don't have this stuff on. Maybe it's a good idea. I'm not sure.
I think it is a good idea that those who actually built it are remembered.
@Ellatynemouth I am sharing with you and others my questionings mind. I am not in anyway approving or disapproving anything.
I doubt he would go so far as to tear down this bridge. He probably doesn't even know Obama's name is on it.
You need to listen to him more,and analyze messages.