This is a good point. You would think that those trying to migrate have not heard the news and do not watch the news. Imagine for a minute that you risk everything to end up in Russia and throw yourself on the leniency of that country. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm lucky to come from a region that is generally safe for me (Europe), I am currently working in a country that is experiencing conflict (Ukraine) so I realise how fragile the peace many take for granted is. There is nothing on this earth that would make me want to migrate to the US, visit occasionally maybe but that's it! (and not purely to do with Trump, he is just the latest symptom of a wider problem there)!
You are Temporary dude.
We all are!
He won't last forever. Just like working for my last boss... stick it out long enough, the next one might be better. Just gotta outlast the fucker.
Yes, and here it is : the voice of reason . You are right, Paul. We will outlast this and we will do what needs to be done to change, either ourselves or our situation.
this isn't migrating for many of these people. this is them dodging bullets in the street by ducking into a side-door. in this case the side-door just happens to be our border.