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I like beards it's a thing 😘. Nothing scraggy, a nice groomed beard. 🤗 What's your thing?

Josephine 7 June 27

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Not crazy about women that don't shave their armpits, but prefer women that don't shave too much below the waste. Like the natural look.

Do you mean "below the waist"?

@LiterateHiker that bad?

No, it's not bad.


I don't mean completely untidy ..just natural down below..don't like fake boobs..prefer women with generous natural curves ..not obese..not a flat washboard tummy either..a little belly is a belly dancer might the traditional hourglass buxom figure...each to their own though.


I can't grow a beard even if I stop shaving for a year. I guess it won't work out between us then ... HeHe 🙂


Studies show beards age men 10 year or more. I like a clean-shaven man.

When I moved from Michigan to Washington, I was shocked by weird facial hair on men. Ill-advised mustaches like a push broom, long handlebar mustaches like Yosemite Sam. Scraggly, ungroomed and enormous beards. Ugh.

It seems like a yen for the old Wild West.

With millennial "ironic" beards and older men who let themselves go, it has gotten worse.

Guys! Shaving will make you look 10 years younger.

One has to please themselves. I like my beard. It is sexy. Doesn’t matter what ANYONE else thinks.


I respectfully disagree.


The eyes have it


She has to be promiscuous - sorry just my thing (blush)


I also like beards...but, it could be just a current thing...has to fit the person...some guys are just not beard people...confidence is more important to me...self-assurance...

I am bald as a coot - I shave my head each morning. And you know what? It really marks me out in a room, and I like that. When you are six foot tall, bald, and confident - yeah you own the room.

@Palindromeman It is that type of confidence that is the most appealing...I also find that appealing in women...I don't care about the shape or size as much as self acceptance and pride...own your

@thinktwice Exactamundo!


Nice figure (very subjective, but slim, curvy, whatever, but not obese), brilliant smile, kind, gentle, funny, large boobs, nice legs, clear eyes, intelligent, independent, not needy. In no particular order, and perm any combination.

And dang! I just shaved my beard off!?. Only for the summer and only due to a razor slip.


Intelligent humor, kindness, and sensuality.

UUNJ Level 8 June 27, 2018



You should get one then Josephine - might suit you 🙂


He has to be tall, lean and fit.

I see short, fat, out of shape men as friends only.

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